Employee Spotlight: Nancy Banh-Boudreau


How has your career grown since joining Arterra?
I've been at Arterra for about 4.5 years, my career has grown a lot. I started mainly as CAD base needs but I was basically hired on to input conceptual designs into CAD. I think they saw more potential in me and proceeded to give me tasks like planting plants and construction sets. I started to manage small projects about three years ago and the Tompkin's Stairway Garden was the first project which led to a handful of other projects.

What motivates you?
In general, I think what motivates me is to create really nice spaces for people to enjoy long-term. To leave things better than it was before. To bring constant enjoyment to space. I want a client to look at their space and go, "Ah, I love this!" 

What or who inspired you to pursue a career in landscape architecture?
I worked in public spaces as a biologist in my past life/career; I was always fascinated with how some people viewed the built environment as separate from the natural environment. I always thought it's interconnected and I wanted a career that aligns with my beliefs. I was working 10 hour days, constantly outside, alone in my truck, doing field monitoring of plants and or animals. It got lonely and not really sustainable. I wanted a balance so I research "top careers that are the happiest" and landed on landscape architecture. I did more research and it made the most sense. I got to work with plants, do some fieldwork, and some office work. It’s the best fit for me!

What has been your favorite project
so far?

My favorite project is the Tompkin's Stairway Garden because it's a public space that I can visit anytime I want and watch the plants grow and evolve. I can also see community enjoyment. A residential project that's my favorite is the Painterly Approach. That was the project that drew me to Arterra in the first place!

What tv show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love?
I really can't get enough of crime/forensic shows. 

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